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During a rare ,on-air, interview with New York radio station Power 105.1, rapper Jay-Z spoke candidly on a range of topics, including the internet being the cause of album reviews losing their merit.


Jay is quoted as saying:


“I think reviews have lost a lot of their importance now because of the internet,” Jay explained. “Everyone is experiencing things at the same time. You can write a review like the guy from USA Today, tomorrow. Ya’ll both can write the review at the same time…That’s why the critic became important in the music space because they got the music first. They would get the music two months early because the magazine had a long lead time. They get it. They sit with it. They review it. They send it out a month ahead of time. You reading it. You looking like ‘Oh, this album’s gonna be dope.’ You don’t have the music. So, you’re reading reviews for a month. Right now, the music comes out like this. People are writing a review in a day. First of all, you can’t listen to an album and rate it in a day. It’s just impossible…And when I see that I’m like ‘Oh, so this is all just bullshit.’”

Check out the full Jay-Z interview below:

Check out the New Album WCSmusic:

Jay-Z Claims Album Reviews Losing Importance

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